Whether you are a fitness enthusiast, trainer, pro athlete, NASA professional or health conscious consumer, we know you are constantly looking for the healthiest products to improve your wellness & fitness, athletic performance and recovery.
That’s why we are thrilled to introduce you to ENERGYbits® spirulina and chlorella algae tablets, which have quickly become the fuel of choice for athletes, trainers, vegans, keto, eco-friendly and health conscious consumers nationwide. ENERGYbits® spirulina tablets are vegan, keto, raw, and grown organically. The tablets have just ONE ingredient, ONE calorie, forty vitamins and minerals, and NO carbs, sugar, or additives. In fact, each tiny tablet contains the same nutrition as an entire plate of fruits and vegetables!
Algae is endorsed by NASA, The United Nations, Olympic athletes, and functional doctors worldwide as the most nutrient dense food in the world. It has been used for decades to improve energy, focus, immune health, gut health, performance, intermittent fasting, weight loss, and more. It has forty vitamins and minerals, 64% protein (3 x more protein than steak), more chlorophyll than greens (1,000 x), more iron than spinach (48 x), more calcium than milk, more antioxidants than blueberries (500 x), is a vegan source of Omega-3, and more.
ENERGYbits® are plant-based spirulina algae tablets that are swallowed by the handful prior to, during and after your workout or race. The best results are when you take them every day. Spirulina delivers a steady supply of energy and focus that improves your performance naturally and easily without any food prep or cleanup without caffeine, chemicals, gluten, sugar, toxins, carbs or stomach distress. It has even been scientifically proven to improve athletic endurance, increase oxygen flow, and shorten time to exhaustion.
RECOVERYbits® chlorella algae are great to take after a run or a race. Chlorella algae is great for recovery and detox since they pull out lactic acid and help you rebound and recover quickly. Definitely not something you can get from artificial energy products. Another score for algae!
Consuming chlorella algae helps replenish cells and tissue quickly due to its high concentration of chlorophyll (the highest in the world and 200 x more than spinach!)
And yes, all these benefits (and more) have been validated in tens of thousands of peer-reviewed scientific studies in research papers that date back almost 100 years and are in the NIH library.
If you’re like most of us, you’ve probably already tried “quick fixes” like caffeine or supplements to sustain your energy. But these are just short-term fixes for a bigger problem. The real problem is your body is missing key nutrients it needs to perform optimally and give you energy. Just imagine how great you will feel when you have all the energy and nutrition you need to enjoy life without artificial powders, gels or supplements!
To order yours, visit energybits.com and
Use code: SCC at checkout for 20% off!
Interested in learning more? Email them at customercare@energybits.com