Name: Samuel “Joe” Kirschten
Family: Sammy and Morgan Kirschten
Age: 32
Originally from: Rockledge, FL
Currently reside: Rockledge, FL
Number of years running: 3
Began running because: I wanted to lose some weight and de-stress
I knew I was hooked when: I had four running events in one weekend
Race personal records (PRs): I am not getting very fast yet, but I have dropped twenty minutes off my 5K down to 31 minutes
What has been my biggest running accomplishment to date: Hotter Than Hades Half in June in Mississippi had my best Half time despite 94 degree heat, high humidity and very few aid stations or much shade along the course
Favorite local and/or out-of-town race: Daytona Beach Half and getting to run on the speedway
Favorite place to train: River Road through Rockledge
Running goals: Finish Space Coast Marathon
Training philosophy: I may not be fast, but I don’t quit and beat all the people sleeping in.
Running partners: I often run with my kids for short distances
If I could run a mile with any other person(s), dead or alive: Kristen and Bill Pepper
Funniest or oddest thing I've seen while running: I ran a half in Mississippi which started with a literal gun start: .357 magnum fired from atop a huge combine tractor.
One piece of advice that I would give to a new runner: Keep at it, talk to more experienced runners, and try your best, you will improve.
Other interests: I have been a scout since age 6 and love the outdoors. I also try to attend at least one live music concert a month.
Last movie I saw: Introducing my kids to the classics: Star Wars Episode V
Favorite hero: My older brother Nick is an example of great man and a fast runner
Favorite pre-race meal: PBJ
I can't live without my.... iPhone
Last time I took a selfie: Turtle Krawl with the kids